Thursday, May 12, 2011


I've been looking around for those white cotton gloves people use a lot at art shows. I would like a pair or 2 for my book. Has anyone had any luck finding them locally?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Good luck, everyone, with all of your last minute issues! I know I'm having plenty of my own.

show space, kitchen mock up

show space

I misunderstood the information I received regarding where I am located in the show. Here is my new show space plan. Please leave any suggestions/critique.

Brick wall info-panels will be mounted onto 1/2" foam core

The top horizontal will be my project title "Uploading Identity: professionally engaging in online conversation"

The panels below will be a larger format of the 8.5x11"-double-sided-folded item I had brought to critique (updated since crit)

The tall right panel will be my explanation of the project and process.

The table wil have a locked example of my website, the 8.5x11"-double-sided-folded piece, as well as 5x7" prints of my typographic materials studies

Thoughts, comments, suggestions, please!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Envelope revised

I took your suggestion with the more subdued layout. How does this read?

One more, a combination of two of the ideas that my partner suggested.


I know it's down to the wire, so if no one can leave a comment I will just go with the one I think is working best. I'm not sure how much time I can devote to doing this anymore, as my book still isn't complete! There is never as much time as there seems.