Thursday, March 3, 2011

Redo Project 2

1 comment:

Prof. Yoon Soo Lee said...

Dear Kathryn,

Good for you that you are trying a completely different approach!

Here are some thoughts:

1. The heaviness of all of the foreground imagery makes the poster seem very crowded. This also challenges the hierarchy, and how we retrieve information. (I don't quite know what to look at first.)

2. I would recommend you look at the whitespace and see how you can work on the foreground/background relationship.

3. All the text being in what seems like "one text box" seems too boxy and stagnant. Can you try breaking things apart just a little bit and see what happens?

4. Try a variety of colors. Is the pinkish color the best to represent this theme of music?

5. The imagery is so choppy that it is on the verge of not quite having enough information for us to know what this thing looks like, or the other option where we don't even care what this thing looks like because all you are doing is creating textures and movement with the chopped up photo to communicate a "sense of the music."

Regardless of all of the above comments, I do think this is the step in the right direction.