Friday, April 22, 2011

"Deadlifts in the sand dunes" - abstract poster


Prof. Yoon Soo Lee said...

oh, hmmmm. To me this looks like this man has rocket boosters instead of shoes... (like in transformers?) going up rather than sinking into the sand... how about if the type was treated as sand?

jpalmer said...

hahaha, i can see that. i didn't get that feeling while designing it but now that's all i can see. i actually tried a previous version where the type treatment served as sand... but it looked like a mess of black. i also tried incorporating color but nothing gave it that grainy look i was hoping for. i'm thinking i might need to bring that sand texture into the poster. otherwise i won't get my "message" across.

jpalmer said...

Also, as you can see i'm experimenting with different embodiment textures. I feel like some of the figures in my posters look a little... static? Does this texture i'm using do anything for you? Sometimes I like it and other times it feels too busy