Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"Running in the rain" - poster


Prof. Yoon Soo Lee said...

Dear Jeff,

What you showed us in class was a nice jump in you design work. The strongest aspects of that work was the organic quality of the photographs you started to incorporate (the photographs with written words on it taken at an angle.)

These new images work as well: they certainly convey the meaning of what you want to communicate. I do "miss" the organic feeling of the other photo. Do you think you could try "drawing" in the rain, instead of using illustrator?

Just a thought. Good job. Keep going!

jpalmer said...

i know what you mean. you can see that i'm trying to articulate heavy rainfall, but it is sort of lacking that "natural" feel. i'll definitely try drawing it. thanks!

Josh Kuperus said...

Hey man! This picture is fantastic: what program did you use to make it? By the way, it's one of the top results for the query "running in the rain". Great design!

I'm planning to use it at my site at if you don't mind.

Keep designing!