Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Designer's Process Journal

1) What key decisions have been made since the last crit?
Stop over-thinking it. Stop concerning myself with style, composition, focus, horizontal line/vanishing point, and all the technical aspects of the photograph and just photograph. Editing can come later.

2) How many design options are you currently working on?
TOO MANY. Two books, two (or more) different photographic styles, a personal blog, a pre-launch public blog, portfolio gallery, installation ideas, presentation options, Facebook, posters, and several other small components. I'm doing too much yet not getting enough done. I need to narrow my focus and divide importance. Photographs, essay content, book design, blog and facebook. Prioritize.

3) What is the biggest risk in your project at the moment and why?
I'm finding myself scared of making myself vulnerable. By sharing past events of my life, whether through self-portraits or essays or both, I'm really putting myself out there. I guess I'm afraid of being judged, or worse yet, pitied.

4) What will you do if this risk happens?
With my current trajectory it will inevitably happen. I think I need to come to terms with that and prepare for it. It's not a bad thing to be honest about my life. I can still censor what I share if I really want to.

5) Are all your ideas and concepts working?
I doubt it. I know what I'm trying to say, and I think my conceptual plan is keeping me from viewing my work objectively.

6) If some are not working, what are they, and why are they not working?
I think the idea of words taking away a personals personal identity is starting to work, but it's not doing exactly what I want. I want to link labels, dehumanizing a person, and violence. Right now, it's not there. I'm missing that last step of expressing violence. I am depending on the text to explain the last part, when I should first be trying to make them image give all of the information.

7) Looking back on your original goal, are they current or do they need updates based on all the work you have done so far?
My goal of raising awareness about name calling, self-image and self-esteem, violence, and the striping away of individuality are current, however how I am reaching the goals have changed. Maybe the goal will change as the road to the goal changes, but I'm not quite prepared to change my ideal outcome yet.

8) What is the total number of printouts/prototypes you have made prior to the next crit?
So far two new prints and several book layout ideas. Ideally more prints by Tuesday.

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