Wednesday, February 2, 2011

LHemenway Timeline

1 comment:

Prof. Yoon Soo Lee said...

Dear Lance, usually when we have crits, I ask students to come up with what we all "crit criteria". They are broken down into three categories: big picture (mountain view), mid picture (trees), and final details.

Usually this consists of )in broad strokes)
1. big picture: "form and content relationships: how does the visual reflect the content?"
2. what are the formal qualities that are supporting the content: composition, typography, image use, color
3. and lastly all the nitty gritty details of being a professional designer such as "typographic hygien: rags, widows, orphans, rivers, etc."

Along with these larger strokes, we add more specific crit criteria to each of the projects depending on what the nature of the project is. Crit criteria can be added for web work, or iconography, for book design, for working with an audience that has a certain handicap, etc.

i would like for you to come up with your own set of these "crit criteria" and see how it fits into your timeline so that everything that is of a design concern is covered within your timeline.