Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Uniqueness is evolving. Humans in all their uniqueness are a result of a long evolutionary process.

In his Psychology and the Soul, Otto Rank recognized the desire for immortality through self expression of lasting impact, whether through the creativity of the artist or the reforming efforts of the hero.

One of the most outstanding proclamations of Otto Rank was his absolute belief in the uniqueness of every human being. The most quoted statement of his says it precisely: "Will people ever learn... that there is no other equality possible than the equal right of every individual to become and be himself, which actually means to accept his own difference and have it accepted by others."

Above are some statements that I have found in my research and are at this point guiding me. I am interested in what makes us unique and what we do to feel that we are. I would like to make a series of poster showcasing the idea of human uniqueness and why we feel we need to be. I want to make the posters unique as well so I am thinking of hand lettering the text and painting them in gouache. This would be on top of computer designed vectors and or photos.


1 comment:

Prof. Yoon Soo Lee said...

Fantastic. One curiosity is that when we use the word "unique" in graphic design it is most commonly used with brand identity systems. You might briefly look into the "design problem solving process" and see if it will inform you in any way. It's such a point word in brand identity, and as you are a graphic designer, it's one of those "rocks" we should turn over to see what it underneath.