Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1 comment:

Prof. Yoon Soo Lee said...

Dear Jessica,

I have looked at your timeline and can you be more specific that "working"?

For example, you can give yourself a goal of creating minimally 200 logos. Then paring it down to the three strongest, and broadening each of those ideas into three tangents making for a nine image presentation, then narrowing it down to two, tweaking, then finalizing, then final tweaks. In all of this you still have to make note about things like:
does the color reproduce well? on what background?
how about larger environments such as building signs and billboards?
and how does it reduce? for on business cards and such?

Your current timeline will not help you make any decisions!

Look at the design process of all the sections you have and put as much detail as possible. It's almost like you are the art director (or teacher) and you are creating a very functional and detailed calendar for your junior designers so that they know what needs to get done and to use as a check list.

Please update this calendar and re-post. Also, I would HIGHLY recommend creating a style guide so that all potential future designers have a sense of how to go abouts maintaining this brand identity.