Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1 comment:

Prof. Yoon Soo Lee said...

Jeff, this is a bit better in the context of "creating energy." However, a lot of what we discussed on Monday still applies. I would first of all make a list of all the information that needs to go on this poster based on how this poster is going to be used: before the actual event to advertise and get more of an audience, or to sell at the event as a memorabilia? Depending on how is poster is to function there is a lot of information missing: full address, telephone number, email, website, if it's a "festival" who are the other artists? is it only performances or are there other activities? like learning how to drum sessions, lectures, etc.

Then think about the title itself: "san jose taiko" and it appropriateness. It "taiko" is a group of performers, the image still looks like it's a solo performance.

I would suggest you design about ten different posters with ten different visual concepts so that you don't create one poster which becomes too precious and therefore will not allow you to take risks and explore all that you can explore.